
The BCL20 is a stereo compressor-limiter with a de-essing
capability which allows the end user to process two different
signals or one stereo program.
Applications include :Applications include :
FM transmitter protection, disc
mastering, SPL limiting in PA and discotheque applications,
tightening of drums and sustain control on guitars and bass.
Main parametersMain parameters
, including threshold, gain, attack and release
times and compression ratio are user controllable.
A unique feature of the BCL20 is the continuously variable
detection characteristics. A potentiometer allows mixing of RMS
and Peak detectors to tailor the timing parameters to the
program being processed. The BCL20 takes advantage of a
unique transformer distortion cancelling circuit reducing it an
order of magnitude compared to conventional designs.
2 bargraphs display the amount of compression and the
input/output level. The de-essing functions involves a slew-rate
sensitive network which, while keeping operation very simple,
allows frequency-conscious compression, in accordance with
FM transmission or disc mastering pre-emphasis.
A rear panel jack allows insertion of an external equaliser to
achieve more specific frequency-conscious processing.
RFI protection has been a main concern in the design of the
BCL20 allowing its use in broadcast installations.