
This adjust the signal level above which compression occurs.
The lower it is set, the greater is the compression. The threshold
range is from -40 dBu to +20 dBu.
This determines how fast the compressor will act upon the
incoming signal. This time may be varied from between 0.1 milli-
seconds and 70 milliseconds. (Caution : Very fast attack times
introduce distortion at low frequencies with ANY form of
compressor. This is caused by a low frequency signal being
longer than the attack time. The low frequency waveform will be
distorted by the initial gain reduction because the action is
almost certain to occur mid-waveform.)
This determines how fast the action of the compressor will take
to be turned off as the incoming signal falls below the threshold.
This time may be varied from between 100 milliseconds and 2
(Caution : Very fast release times introduce distortion at low
frequencies with ANY form of compressor. This is caused by a
low frequency signal being longer than the release time. The low
frequency waveform will be distorted by the initial release of gain
reduction because the action is almost certain to occur mid-
This controls the respective percentage of RMS detection and
Peak detection that will be processed by the side-chain. In the
extreme positions, it uses only one of the rectifiers. In the
intermediate position, it uses a blend of both.
A very basic rule-of-thumb would be to use RMS detection on
individual tracks and Peak detection on mixed program (see
applications). As always this is very much open to
The unique continuously-variable detection characteristic of the
BCL20 makes experimentation as easy as turning a knob.
NB : The Attack and Release controls relate to the Peak rectifier
only. Hence, when the Rectifier control is in the full ccw position
(RMS), these controls are inoperative.
This controls the output gain after compression and is used to
match the output with the level of the incoming signal. This may
be varied from -20 dB to +18 dB.
The unit may be switched between stereo mode and two
separate mono channels.