User Manual

Page 19
Maximum cut or boost occurs at the centre frequency set by the
FREQUENCY control.
Varies the 'Q' (bandwidth) of the cut or boost region. A low Q, CW (clock
wise) affects a wide band of frequencies whilst a high Q, CCW affects a
very small band. The Q control on the MPX10 has a range of 0.3 (3
octaves) to 12 (1/12th octave) - see the following diagram.
In general lower Qs are used when boosting and higher Qs when cutting -
see applications
This control adjusts the centre frequency for LMF (Low Mid Frequency) cut
or boost. The LMF FREQUENCY control has a 40:1 range and is
adjustable from 60Hz, CCW to 2k4Hz (2.4kHz), CW - see the following