La Crosse Technology, Ltd. Page 3
It may be helpful to orient the weather 90 degrees towards your sensor for better reception.
Sensors operate best when elevated at least 6 feet.
Remove the batteries from your sensor for 2 minutes. Replace the batteries in the Thermohygro sensor
and after 5 minutes press and hold the SEARCH button for 5 seconds. Wait 10 minutes. If the unit does
not receive a reading from all your sensors, please try the factory reset.
The thermo-hygro sensor reads the environment. When one of your sensors reads high during the day
but not at night it is often a mounting problem.
Side-by-side test
: Bring the thermo-hygro sensor in the house and place it next to your station for 2
Alternatively, place your inaccurate sensor right next to a working sensor for 2 hours
Compare temperatures. The temperatures should be within 4 degrees to be within tolerance. The
humidity should be within 14% to be within tolerance.
If your sensor reads correctly when next to your station then try a different location outside.
Look for heat sources such as sunlight, door or window frames, or reflected heat.
Check batteries. Overpowered or underpowered batteries can cause this reading.
Replace sensor.
RF (radio frequency) communication may come and go occasionally. This can be normal in some
environments (e.g. moister climates).
If a sensor goes out, please wait 2-4 hours for it to reconnect on its own. Please be patience these
stations can reconnect on, after many hours out.
RF (radio frequency) communication is not always 100% on.
Certain temporary conditions can cause it to go out for a time (e.g. 100% humidity).
IF the signal is lost, the RX will display the LAST DATA recorded from sensor for 10 minutes.
After that 10 minutes if the signal does not come back then display dashes "--".
After 30 minutes, start looking for the RF signals automatically.
If a miss happens:
Hold the SEARCH button for 3 seconds to search for all three sensors.
The lines below each channel number will flash while searching (up to 3 minutes).
The station will search for missing sensors for 3 minutes every hour.
The lines will be solid when the sensor is connected.
If a sensor for a certain channel is not found, the lines below the channel indicator will not show.
Distance/Resistance can cause loss of sensor signal. Avoid having more than 1 wall, window, tree etc.,
between the display and your sensor. UV coated windows may actually reflect the signal. Stucco walls
will absorb the signal.