Owner's manual

DeviceControl Operation Manual 17
configuration. With either synchronization direction
(uploading from the physical ampliers or download -
ing from a configuration), both configured and
physical DIP-switch settings are compared. Any
mismatches are indicated as faults or warnings. See
section 6.4.2.
5.3.11 Normal operation with devices matched
and synchronized
By following the above Quick Guide instructions, you
will be able to upload data from the network, create
groups, name groups, rename devices, and save a
configuration le. Under normal operating conditions,
all devices in Device View will show a green “Match”
indicator and a green “Statusindicator when you
re-open the file and connect to the network. Data
uploaded from the network will match the physical
configuration by definition; a mismatched state will
occur only if a physical change is made after upload-
ing, such as changing a DIP-switch setting. No further
manual data entry is required using this method.
For more detailed information, please consult the fol-
lowing Reference section. This additional information
will help you recognize and troubleshoot anomalous
conditions. It also gives more detailed instructions on
how to create and edit new configuration files from
scratch” in the Offline state.
QuicK GuiDe for BAsic functions 5