Owner's manual

DeviceControl Operation Manual 25
If a subnet is full, the Add, Insert and Paste
functions will be disabled for that subnet.
Drag and Drop assignment and reassignment
You also may assign and reassign channels to groups
using drag and drop in the Tree View. See Section
6.4.4 Matching to the physical subnet
A transition from the Offline state to Online state
automatically initiates the match function. Device-
Control checks the network for physical subnets
(NLB 60Es) to match the subnet configuration. If no
matching subnet is detected, the “connect to subnet
dialog box is presented.
When the subnet is matched, DeviceControl com-
pares the configured devices to the physical devices
in the same position. Match status is then shown
for each configured and physical pair as described
in Section 6.4.2.
6.4.5 Device Sorting
Devices may be sorted in the list by selecting any
column heading (Device name, Model, etc.) by click-
ing in it. An arrow will indicate sorting in ascending
or descending order. Clicking on the same column
heading again will reverse the sort order.
6.4.6 Disconnecting devices for drag-and-drop
You may disconnect a physical device from its corre-
sponding configured device by using the “Disconnect
physical deviceoption in the Action menu. This
moves the physical device outside the configuration.
Disconnection only breaks the association between
a configured device and the physical amplifier in
DeviceControl; the operating status of the physical
amplifier is not affected.
Disconnecting a physical device removes it from
the configuration and allows it to be added to the
configuration as a new device, moved elsewhere
in the configuration. Using drag-and-drop, it may
be assigned to a different configured device (of the
same model number) if that configured device is not
currently assigned to another physical device.
Disconnection allows quick, drag-and-drop swapping
or replacement of configured devices if an inadvertent
mismatch shows on Synchronization. This can occur
when a configured amplifier system does not match
the physical amplifier system, as in this example:
A configuration is created offline using the 1.
Add Device command. Different devices in
the configuration are configured with different
group assignments and DIP-switch settings.
When going online, it is evident that devices 2.
(amplifiers) A and C in the configuration are not
properly matched to the corresponding physical
devices on the network, those occupying
positions 1 and 3 in the network. Instead,
configured amplifier A corresponds to physical
amplifier 3, and vice versa.
To correct the problem, simply select device 3.
A and choose “Disconnect physical device.
Repeat for device C. Both now show as
Outside configuration.
Using drag-and-drop, place the two physical 4.
devices in their proper positions. A green
match” icon will show. When the configuration
is saved, the devices will be assigned to the
correct positions by matching serial numbers.
A device currently outside the configuration
may be added back into the configuration
as a new device. Select the device, right
click, and choose Add to configuration
(Figure 6.8).
reference section 6