Owner's manual

26 DeviceControl Operation Manual
6.5 Channel View
6.5.1 Overview
Channel View (Figure 6.9) displays all channels of all amplifiers included in the current DeviceControl configuration.
Channels A-D are shown for four-channel models, and A-H for eight-channel models. Bridged channels will
show as adjacent pairs, from A/B (two-channel amplifiers) up to A/B through G/H for eight-channel amplifiers.
Channels may be re-named as described in Section 5.3.5.
6.5.2 Forming Channel Groups
The primary function of Channel View is to allow formation of Channel Groups. Any number of Channel Groups
may be formed using the Add Group command. Any number of channels may be assigned to each Channel
Group. A selected channel may be assigned to multiple Channel Groups, if desired.
To add a new Channel Group, click on the Add Group button in the toolbar. Alternatively, you may select Add
New Group from the Edit menu, or use the Alt+G keyboard command. New Channel Groups may be re-named
as described in Section 5.3.5.
To assign a channel to a Channel Group, click in the checkbox to the right of the channel in the column of the
desired Channel Group assignment.
The System group (all channels in the configuration) and Subnet Group (all channels in the subnet)
are not shown here as no options are available for reassignment.
6 reference section
Figure 6.9