Owner's manual

DeviceControl Operation Manual 29
Offline Ofine warning (no network connection)
DIP-switch not read Not verified (present when amplifier not turned on)
On warning Amplifier on, configured power off
Temp warning High but not muted
High impedance Possible wiring disconnect
Current limit
Current Peak Limiter (CPL) active
Power Average Limiter
Power Average Limiter (PAL) engaged
Wrong DIP-switch settings Verification warning – DIP-switches (non-critical)
6.6.5 Group and Subnet warning and fault icons
When expanded (Figure 6.10) the Group module indicates any current faults and warnings in any Group channels
with the following icons:
Faults (red)
Fault(s) in number of channels indicated. If more than 8, >8 is displayed
Match fault(s) in number of channels indicated. If more than 8 channels, >8 is displayed
Warning (yellow)
Warning(s) in number of channels indicated. If more than 8, >8 is displayed
Match warning(s) in number of channels indicated. If more than 8 channels, >8 is displayed
When expanded (Figure 6.10), the Subnet module indicates any additional Subnet faults or warnings with the
following icons:
Faults (red)
Communication errors
Subnet current limited
Warning (yellow)
Not closed loop
reference section 6