Instruction Manual

RKQ= fãéÉÇ~åÅÉ=ã~íÅÜáåÖ=Ejip=ëïáíÅÜF=
switch is located on the rear panel. The MLS (Minimum Load Select) switch offer
impedance matching, so you can drive the fP 2400Q into 2 ohms without increased heat loss.
As stated earlier, the fP 2600 can produce 380 watts into both, 2 and 4 ohms. Use lower MLS
(-3dB) when connecting to lower impedance loads as shown in table 1. As can be seen in table 1, the fP
2400Q can produce output power in excess of 380 watts.
Table 1.
fP 2400
16 ohms Quad (4 channel) 95 W 200 W
8 ohms Quad (4 channel) 200 W 370 W
4 ohms Quad (4 channel) 380 W 700 W *
2 ohms Quad (4 channel) 650 W * *
16 ohms Stereo (2 channels bridged) 380 W 740 W
8 ohms Stereo (2 channels bridged) 760 W 1400 W *
4 ohms Stereo (2 channels bridged) 1280 W * *
* Not recommended
(thermal protection may occur at high continuous power)
Power in watts (EIA 1 kHz, 1% THD)
Table 1 provides the simplest way to find the best MLS position for your application. There is no risk to
damage the amplifier, since it is very well protected (even down to 0.3 ohms). If uncertain, or where time
does not allow, just stick to the default positions.
The fP 2400 amplifier is a power converter, and by selecting MLS position you are allocating a portion of
the 1400 watts power.
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MLS switches on rear panel
1. Check if the loudspeaker can take the amp’s maximum output power
(generally, twice the RMS power handling should be okay).
2. If the loudspeaker can handle the amp’s maximum output power, l
MLS at its highest position (0dB).
3. If the loudspeaker is specified at a lower power handling, reduce the
amp’s output power by changing MLS to a matching lower value (-
4. Try the setup with a musical signal. If the amp runs into thermal
protection, or into current limiting (audible as distortion, or as “clicks”
from a cone driver/woofer), reduce the amp’s output power by
changing MLS to a lower value.
If you reduce the amp’s output power by choosing lower MLS values, you
only reduce the maximum output voltage. In fact, you will get more current
headroom for low impedance loads. The amp runs at higher efficiency, and the risk for going into
thermal protection is significantly lower.
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