Instruction Manual

9. IntelliDrive controller overview
IPD SERIES Operation Manual rev 1.0.0
The following features and functions are accessible in the Global View:
1. Global Control Panel
a. Global INFO - Shows the total number of ampliers connected on the network, current number muted
and current number off.
b. Power ON/OFF - Control and status indication for all connected IPD units.
c. MUTE - Mutes both channels of all ampliers in the group.
d. Expand/collapse group button - Toggles between expanded view (display all amplier panels) and
collapsed view (group panel only).
2. Global View Menus. (See Section 9.3 following)
3. Group Control Panels - The Group Control Panel provides the following information and functions:
a. DELETE GROUP - Deletes the group. Pop-up window requires conrmation.
b. GROUP NAME - Name entered by user when new Group set up. Name can be changed in
SET UP mode. (See Section 10.1.)
c. GROUP INFO - Shows the total number of ampliers in the group, current number muted and current
number off.
d. MUTE - Mutes both channels of all ampliers in the group.
e. SET UP - Brings up the Congure Group window. (See Section 10.1)
f. Expand/collapse group button - Toggles between expanded view (display all amplier panels) and
collapsed view (Group panel only).
4. Amplier Control Panels - The Amplier Control Panel provides the following information and functions:
a. MUTE - Mutes both channels of the amplier.
b. Amplier Name - Default name is the model of the amplier. Custom names may be set in the Amplier
Header window. The units in Global View are positioned based in alpha-numeric order. The unit named
with the lowest rst number or letter will be placed at the top left, the second lowest number at top right,
continuing downward.
c. Network Status - ONLNE or OFFLINE. Ampliers will show as online when AC power and network are
connected, even if the amplier is in standby mode.
d. Amplier IP address - This is for identication and is not user congurable in this view.
e. Amplier Mode - Displays current mode, either Stereo or 2-Way.
f. Output Meters - Displays amplier output level.
g. MIXER Button - Selects amplier and opens Amplier Header and Input Mixer Views. If the mixer button
displays “No Sync”, the amplier is online but has not synchronized with the controller.
h. Amplier “PING” - Clicking anywhere on the Amplier Control Panel will blink all LEDs (green) and the
display on the associated amplier for ten seconds.