LUCIA Operation Manual

14. LUCIA application browser
LUCIA Operation Manual rev 1.2.0
be accessible.)
ADLC (Automatic Dynamic Loudness Contouring) – ADLC is a sophisticated, DSP-controlled function that
maintains optimum sound balance regardless of listening level. ADLC may be enabled or disabled using the radio
buttons to the right of each speaker preset. Control block
function from the MODE menu. The functions available for each port are:
Output Level
Source Selector
Mute All
No Function (disabled)
When Wake or Mute functions are selected in MODE, the PRESET box shows a description of the function. These
are described as Open/Close referring to that the only thing needed is a switch connected between GND and the
GPI pin. So, in this scenario Close means that the GPI gets a voltage very close to zero (GND) and Open means
that the voltage is close to Vcc (thanks to an internal connection).
When Source Selector or Output Level functions are selected, available options are shown in the PRESET box.
Adjustable delay – It is possible to add a delay (0-120 ms) to the overall latency on each output.
Adjustable power output – The low impedance LUCIA models enable the option to adjust maximal output power
on each output channel by limiting the maximal peak voltage (Vpk).
The GPO is not reconfigurable; the Control Block shows current functionality.
When RS232 is selected, it is possible for third-party products to remote control and monitor LUCIA via RS232 serial
interface. For more information on RS232 serial interface usage, please refer to the “LUCIA Serial Dongle – RS232
Quick Start Guide”, which can be downloaded from