Lake Controller Operation Manual

Table Of Contents
Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.6.1
Modules Menu Reference Input Router Mutes
Tapping the INPUT ROUTER MUTES button from the Input Conguration screen will display the
Input Router Mutes oating tool bar.
Please refer to section 8.2.11 for further information.
8.2.3 GPIO Configuration (LM Series Only)
For LM Series devices, a summary of the current GPIO settings is displayed on the I/O CONFIG screen.
Please also refer to the LM Series Operation Manual for additional information on the GPIO feature.
GPIO allows external interface with alarm and monitoring systems, providing basic functionality such as
muting, power control, preset recall and fault monitoring. GPI (input) allows external devices to control
certain features of LM Series devices as listed in Table 8-1. GPO (output) enables the LM Series device to
report certain statuses and faults to external devices as summarized in Table 8-1.
Tapping the summary text or associated zoom button on the I/O CONFIG screen will display the screen
shown in Figure 8-10.
Figure 8-10: LM Series GPIO Conguration Screen
The screen is split into two sections - the top section provides options for two General Purpose Input (GPI)
actions, and the bottom section provides actions two for General Purpose Output (GPO) commands.