Lake Controller Operation Manual

Table Of Contents
Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.6.1
Global Events and Control
23. 2 .12 Global IP Configuration
Two buttons, Auto and DHCP, make it possible to globally congure all devices in the system to either
Auto (Zero Cong) or DHCP/Auto IP Conguration. These are the same options as available from the
I/O CONFIG Technical Data menu. There is no option to globally congure Fixed IP settings.
There is also a status counter summarizing what is currently congured in the system.
23.3 Log Files
For every Lake Controller session, one or two sets of log les are created (statistical log les require a
Lake-enabled amplier on work area). These XML les can be viewed as text or imported into Microsoft
Excel. The les are located in the installation folder \logs, also available via a Windows Start menu shortcut.
To import log files into Microsoft Excel, right click
on the file and choose OPEN WITH->EXCEL. For
Excel 2003 and later, select OPEN AS AN XML
Earlier versions of Excel (pre-2003) do not provide
full XML support and should not be used for log
file import.
23.3.1 Statistical log files
Assuming at least one Lake-enable amplier is present in the current system conguration, the
Lake Controller software will continuously log statistical information to a le. The logged data includes
amplier operation statistics in addition to faults and warnings.
23.3.2 Event Log
When Lake Controller is started, the EVENT LOG currently viewable in the EVENT LOG tab is written to a
le and continues to do so in 2 min intervals until the Lake Controller is closed. The name of the le is the
date and time from when the Lake Controller is started. The interval can be changed in the iC.ini le.