Lake Controller Operation Manual

Table Of Contents
Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.8
Lake-enabled Amplifier Reference
20.7 History Tab
A log of various optional parameters is maintained within the device. Samples are taken every two minutes.
The last 120 samples (i.e. the last 4 hours of operation) may be viewed Graphically on the HISTORY tab.
Figure 20-6: Module History Tab
20.7.1 Select Curve
The HISTORY tab displays a graph of several operational parameters against time. The vertical (Y-) axis is in
arbitrary units and is scaled from 0 to 100%; the horizontal (X-) axis is effectively ‘time, but actually shows
the previous 120 samples taken at 2 minute intervals.
The parameter to be displayed is selected by tapping on one of the buttons in the SELECT CURVE box
below the graph. The options are:
COMBINED HEADROOM – This curve is constructed from all the individual parameters listed below,
and shows the maximum value derived from all of them at each sample time.
FRAME PSU TEMP – Displays the temperature of the PSU relative to its maximum safe level.