Lake Controller Operation Manual

Table Of Contents
Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.8
Lake-enabled Amplifier Reference
AMP CHANNEL TEMP – Displays the temperature of the power output channel devices relative to their
maximum safe level.
AMP OUTPUT CURRENT – Displays the channel’s output current relative to its maximum safe value.
(This is the value at which the CPL becomes active.)
AMP OUTPUT VOLTAGE – Displays the power output channel’s voltage relative to the voltage permis-
sible, regardless of ISVPL setting.
TOTAL OUTPUT POWER – Displays the total output power (sum of all channels in that Frame) relative
to the maximum rated power.
AMP OUTPUT POWER – Displays the power output channel’s power relative to the maximum rated
MAINS CURRENT – (PLM 20000Q, PLM+ and D Series Only) Displays the mains current as a percent-
age of the maximum current.
MAINS VOLTAGE – (PLM 20000Q, PLM+ and D Series Only) Displays the mains voltage as an actual
value in volts.
20.7.2 Select Dimension
The MIN, PEAK and AVERAGE buttons in the SELECT DIMENSION box determine whether the data
displayed on the graph is the log of minimum, peak or average values for the displayed parameter.
MIN is only active for the Mains Voltage parameter, and displays the minimum Mains Voltage levels at
intervals during the sample period (PLM 20000Q, PLM+ and D Series Only).
PEAK displays the highest values attained by each parameter during the sample period.
AVERAGE displays the average of the values measured during the sample period.
20.7.3 Channels
The graph displays data for any selected power output channel assigned to the selected Module, or any
combination of channels. The number of channel buttons that appear under SELECT CHANNEL/S depends
on the Module conguration. The channel buttons display the associated Module channel labels; the curves
on the graph are color coded, with a key color shown below each channel button.
The SELECT/DESELECT ALL button toggles states to either select or deselect all channels on the selected