Lake Controller Operation Manual

Table Of Contents
Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.8
Lake-enabled Amplifier Reference
20.9.6 LoadSmart Results
LOAD RESULTS reports the ndings of the verication procedure. Results for each power output is
displayed together with a summary in the ALL column. Load Type Verification
The results shown in the Load type row of the table will be one of the following:
CORRECT – The measured load characteristics closely match the values predicted from the load library
data in combination with the total resistance calculation.
UNCERTAIN – The measured load characteristics exhibit a degree of variance from the predicted
values. A warning becomes active on the channel.
WRONG – The measured characteristics differ widely from the predicted values; it is assumed that
the load has malfunctioned or is of the wrong type. A fault is issued and the channel remains muted. A
successful re-verication, power cycle, or placing the device into standby mode, will clear the fault and
the mute state.
NO MODEL – Fingerprint data is missing from the Module le selected.
ABORTED – A power output channel was in a protective state during the load verication process (e.g.
temperature fault).
The ALL column summarizes the NUMBER OF
CABINETS verification result from each power
output channel in the order VERIFIED > WRONG.
e.g. 2/1 = two channels match, one does not.
If LOAD TYPE VERIFICATION fails, the power
output channel will be muted to prevent speaker
damage. A subsequent CORRECT or UNCERTAIN
verification (or power cycle) resolves the mute. Cabinet Count Verification
The results in the NUMBER OF CABINETS row will be one of the following:
VERIFIED – The measured load impedance indicates the number of cabinets connected to this power
output matches that congured.
WRONG – The measured load impedance indicates either that the number of cabinets connected to
this power output channel is incorrect.
If the correct number of cabinets is entered but the
results returned are wrong it is possible to force
settings by selecting FORCE TO CONFIGURED.