Lake Controller Operation Manual

Table Of Contents
Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.8
Lake Controller Tutorial
Power Output Mute Indicator (Lake-enabled ampliers only) - A red bar indicates the power output
channel is muted; a blue bar indicates it is unmuted. This indicator appears on the Module from where
the channel is routed.
Input Mute Indicator - If the central round part of the icon is red, the input is muted; if the icon is blue,
the input is not muted.
Output Mute Indicators - Displayed as small red bars when the outputs are muted and are absent if
unmuted. The number of mute indicators depends on the number of output channels in the selected
Module type.
Module Label - Displays the label for the Module, in this case a default Classic 3-Way. For further details
on Module label abbreviations and an explanation on Module types, please refer to chapter 9.
4.3.3 Selecting and Moving Icons
Multiple icons may be selected (via the MODULES, GROUPS, PAGES, and ICON CONTROL menus),
providing a faster solution to Graphical arrangement of the work area. For example, multiple icons can be
dragged back to the scroll bar, moved around on screen, or dragged to another page tab.
This example uses an LM 26 (Contour Mode) and an LM 44 (Mesa Mode) for demonstration purposes; the
logic remains the same for all types of Group, Module, and Super Module icons.
1. Drag a box around the icons you wish to move.
Figure 4-12: Click and drag around Module icons
2. Release the pen (or mouse); icons inside the yellow rectangle are now selected.
Figure 4-13: Yellow border snaps to selected Module icons