Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.7.0
Network & Firewall Overview
Figure 3-10: Basic Wireless Setup (Not Suitable for Use with Dante or larger networks)
Ideally, the procedure just described yields a perfectly functional and secure system. However, there are
two complications: Some environments have additional wireless network systems and communications
equipment competing for the same airspace used by the Lake system. It is also important to provide secu-
rity so another wireless network cannot access this network system.
As part of the 802.11 standard, various levels of access control and encryption exist. There are also different
communication channels that operate at different frequencies.
The service set identier (SSID) controls access to this wireless network by functioning as a password or
key between wireless network devices to differentiate them from each other. The SSID must be exactly the
same on all wireless devices (the access point and all Controller host computers). The SSID is case sensi-
Although the SSID differentiates among wireless systems, it does not provide security to the network.
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is a security protocol for wireless networks dened in the 802.11 standard.
The WEP protocol provides the same level of security as a wired network by encrypting data over radio
waves to protect it during transmission. It is recommend that WEP encryption is enabled if other computers
are connected to your Ethernet network.
3.5.2 Conguring the Tablet PC for Wireless Networking
Assuming that the wireless access point has been set up appropriately and is turned on, we now need to
congure the Tablet PC to connect to this access point.
1. Navigate to the Windows Network and Sharing Center as shown in Figure 3-4.
2. Tap the wireless signal strength icon at the bottom-right of the screen in the Windows notications
area and select the wireless access point from the list that appears and tap CONNECT as shown in
Figure 3-11.