Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.7.0
Lake-enabled Amplifier Reference
20.10.5 Amplier Gain and ISVPL Level Limits
Designer Mode allows a system designer to set level limits for Amplier Gain and ISVPL, and hide these
parameters. This function is accessed from a button visible only in Designer Mode when both the Module
and base conguration le are unlocked.
The LEVEL LIMITS button, located in the bottom right hand corner opens a new window where minimum
and maximum levels can be set.
Level limits are stored as factory levels when a base conguration le is stored. Users loading a Module le
employing this base conguration can only adjust parameters within the allowed range. If the maximum and
minimum values are identical, the value is locked and hidden from view. For more information on Designer
Mode, please refer to chapter 19.
20.11 Power
20.11.1 Power Control
POWER ON and STANDBY buttons are provided on the Power tab. These buttons can control the Frame
(or multiple Frames in a Super Module conguration) containing any power output channels assigned to the
Module, allowing the Frame/s to be set in Standby mode. A system-wide power control facility is available
from the Control tab in Global View. Please refer to section 20.9 for further details.
20.11.2 Auto Power Down (PLM+ and D Series only)
If Auto Power Down is enabled (ON), the selected device will automatically go into standby mode after the
denes number of minutes has been reached where the following criteria is met:
No audio is passing on any Power output channel (signal must be below -60 dB).
No user interaction via Lake Controller, Front Panel or 3rd Party Controllers
When the amplier enters standby mode, it remembers that the expected power state is ON and thereby
after a power cycle the frame will turn on again.
There is no Auto Power On feature, so the device
will need to be turned on manually as required via
the Lake Controller power control (either the per
device or the global power), or from the front panel
or 3rd Party power on command.
20.11.3 Adaptive Rail Control (D Series D10:4L, D20:4L & D40:4L only)
This feature allows selection between different Amplier Rail proles for improved energy efciency,
depending on application.