Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.7.0
Global Events and Control
23.2.8 Global AES67 Enable Control (PLM+ and D Series only)
Two buttons, ON and OFF, control the AES mode on all supported devices present in the system congura-
tion. Unsupported devices are listed in the n/a counter. All devices with AES67 mode enabled are listed
under ON, and all devices with AES67 mode disabled are listed under OFF. Since devices are required to
re-start when AES67 mode is changed, during the re-start devices will be listed under Pending.
23.2.9 Global Auto Power Down Control (PLM+ and D Series only)
Two buttons, ON and OFF and additional status information describe how Auto Power Down is congured
for the devices in the current system conguration.
If Auto Power Down is enabled (ON), the selected device will automatically go into standby mode after the
denes number of minutes has been reached where the following criteria is met:
No audio is passing
No user interaction via Lake Controller
No user interaction via Front Panel
When the amplier enters standby mode, it remembers that the expected power state is ON and thereby
after a power cycle the frame will turn on again.
23.2.10 Show Global Input Router Priority Control
This enables a button labeled “Prio” at the top right of the Lake Controller (just left of the minimize button).
Tapping this button provides additional options to control all input routers in the system.
There is also an option to exclude LM devices in Mesa mode and all their input routers. This option to
exclude LM could be used when there are LM Mesa mode devices used as signal transmitters and there is
no need to control them.
See more information in section 4.2.4 “Global Input Router Priority Control.
There is no Auto Power On feature, so the device
will need to be turned on manually as required.