Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.7.0
Firmware Update
Figure 27-7: Old Firmware Notication in the Lake Controller
The rmware cannot be updated from within the Lake Controller; to update rmware, quit the
Lake Controller and access Lake Firmware Update Utility as described in section 27.2.
27.4 Remote Power Cycle
For PLM+ and D Series device (with rmware later then 2.58), it is possible from within the Lake Update
Utility to perform a remote power cycle. This is done via the “Power Cycle Selected” button.
Select the frames in the list and tap “Power Cycle Selected” and these frames will perform a power cycle.
This is helpful when settings that require a power cycle have been changed from the Lake Controller, for
example Dante Slave Only or IP Cong settings. After these changes, start Lake Update and perform the
required power cycle remotely.