Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.7.0
Preset Manager
BLUE - available function based on current selection
GRAY - unavailable function based on current selection
28.3 Working with Frames
28.3.1 Selecting a Frame
To select a single Frame, tap the associated row in column C. The selected Frame is highlighted orange.
Buttons are enabled and disabled depending on the current selection. With one or more Frames selected,
the presets are displayed in the column to the right.
Figure 28-2: Online Frames Rename Frame [F5]
Allows the name of the selected Frame to be changed. Only alphanumerical characters are accepted.
28.3.1. 2 Select Multiple [F6]
Allows the selection of multiple Frames/presets by tapping multiple times on column C or D.
Equivalent to holding down [CTRL] on a keyboard. Set Frame Password/Change Password [F7]
Sets or changes the current Frame password.