Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.7.0
EQ/Levels Menu Reference
6. 2 .1 Gain
Tap GAIN to display the gain levels for each channel of the selected Module/Group. To adjust gain values,
drag the fader (D) for large increments, drag above or below the fader for ne adjustment, or tap the value
(A) for keyboard entry.
6.2.2 Delay
Tap DELAY to display the delay time for each channel of the selected Module/Group. Delay values can be
adjusted in four ways:
Drag the fader (D) to adjust by large increments
Drag above or below the fader for ne adjustment
Drag on the meter to the left of the fader for very ne adjustment
Tap the delay value (A) for keyboard entry
A total delay of 2,000 ms (input plus output) can be set, subject to level limits set by the system designer.
6.2.3 LimiterMax
Tap the LIMITERMAX button to view a submenu containing functions relating to the MaxRMS and MaxPeak
limiters and access to the Multiband Limiter Conguration (XP modules only).
6.2. 3.1 MaxRMS Level
Tap MAXRMS LEVEL to display the maximum RMS signal level (dB) allowed at the output. An orange
bar moves downward from the top of the channel meter to indicate the limiting amount. To adjust Limiter
MaxRMS values, drag the fader (D) for large increments, drag above or below the fader for ne adjustment,
or tap the value (A) for keyboard entry.
The MaxRMS Level value is relative to the factory MaxRMS value (dBu). While dragging the fader, the total
value is displayed in the status bar as dBu-rms, dBV-rms and Vrms. MaxRMS Corner
MaxRMS Corner applies to Modules only; this function is inactive if a Group is selected.
This limiter corner function softens MaxRMS limiting by creating a curve that gradually introduces limiting.
This function is similar to an audio compressor’s knee function. For example, if MaxRMS Level equals –6