Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4
Module File Types & Lake LoadLibrary™
The Mesa EQ Module can only be used on LM
Series and MY8-LAKE devices.
The FIR Modules can only be used on Lake-
enabled amplers.
9.4 Classic Crossovers/Auxiliary Outputs
This section describes the available combinations of classic crossovers and shows the default signal path for
each conguration.
Classic 2- or 3-Way Modules, or any Module with requiring less than three channels, may be used in any
combination on a Lake device. Linear Phase 2-Way and 3-Way Modules may also be recalled in any combi-
nation alongside classic crossover Modules.
Classic 4-, 5-, and 6-Way Modules, as well as Modules requiring more than three channels, are provided as
xed conguration options. A Module with more than three channels may only be recalled into Module A or
C and, in most cases, the remaining outputs of the device can be congured to provide other crossovers and
auxiliary outputs.
9.4.1 Classic 2-Way + 1-Auxiliary Outputs
The CL2w+1a Module provides an auxiliary output that can be driven by the post-input EQ signal, post-input
EQ and delay, or from an independent input mix. By default, the auxiliary output is driven by the post-input
EQ signal.
If you switch the auxiliary channel to receive input from its own input mixer, the auxiliary channel will no
longer be muted by the Module input mute control. The auxiliary channel can be muted by the channel’s
output mute control.
Figure 9-2: Classic 2-Way+1-Auxiliary Outputs
To change the auxiliary output to receive its own independent input mix, tap the switch selector box labeled