Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4
Network & Firewall Overview
3.2 Firewall Conguration
3. 2.1 Overview
By default the Lake Controller Installer creates exceptions for all Lake applications, so manual conguration
should not be required.
If all devices connected to the network are not appearing as expected, it is possible that a rewall is enabled
and is blocking these programs from obtaining network access. Lake applications utilize TCP/IP networking
for Controller and device communication and must be allowed access through any rewall in order to work
The Audinate services “common” and “Dante Discovery” must be installed and running for the
Lake Controller Dante functionality to operate, and for the Lake Update utility to function correctly for PLM+
and D Series ampliers. Please ensure these services are allowed full access if requested, or restart to
correct any problems should they occur.
UDP-Broadcast trafc cannot be blocked as it forms
part of the unique device discovery process.
3.2.2 Windows 7 Specic
By default, Windows 7 security functions will display a security alert similar to that shown in the rst time
each application is started.
Figure 3-2: Standard Windows Firewall Security Alert