Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4
Icon Control Menu Reference
12. Icon Control Menu Reference
The functionality provided through the ICON CONTROL menu allows conguration icon size and an option
to change the icons to show input and output metering. Pages can be congured to provide an overview of
all Modules on the network, providing a system-monitoring interface including both level and limiting activ-
12 .1 Meters On/Off
This feature is active for Modules and Groups when an icon is selected. Meters on the icon display input and
output levels, limiting, clipping, and the Module label.
Figure 12-1: Icon Metering
To toggle meters on and off:
1. Tap ICON CONTROL from the HOME menu.
2. Tap METERS ON/OFF. The button illuminates orange.
3. Tap the Module or Group icon to toggle between METERS ON/OFF.
4. Tap METERS ON/OFF again to exit this mode.
The ICON SMALL, ICON NORMAL, ICON MEDIUM, and ICON LARGE buttons are active only when a
Module or Group icon is selected from the main work area and the METERS ON/OFF mode is not selected.
(i.e. The METERS ON/OFF button is blue.)
12.2 Icon Small/Normal/Medium/Large
Tap these icon size buttons to change the size of the selected Module, Super Module, or Group icon.
12.3 Global Status Indicator
Turns ON/OFF an indicator on appears in the bottom-right corner in any view if a Module goes ofine, or if
there is a fault/warning present.