Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4
User Preferences Menu Reference
13. User Preferences Menu Reference
The User Preferences menu provides various functions for customizing of the Lake Controller interface.
Tap USER PREFERENCES from the HOME menu to display a submenu containing functions and various
additional menus. These functions change settings globally throughout the system.
13.1 Contexts
Contexts allow up to eight views to be stored and retrieved easily using the CONTEXT button, which is
available on the far left of the button bar on most screens, identied at [A] in Figure 13-1.
Figure 13-1: Context View Options
The Context menu enables selection of the number of views to be available throughout the system.
To set up four contexts in your system, perform the following steps:
2. Tap CONTEXT, then tap the button labelled [4].
3. Tap HOME.
4. Navigate to the rst screen.
5. Tap the numbered context button [A] to move to the next view.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all four contexts are congured.
Tapping the CONTEXT button now allows you to switch instantly between these views.
The last screen viewed is stored under the currently
selected context number.
13.2 Delay Units
The DELAY UNITS preference selection is reected throughout the Lake Controller interface.