Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4
Communication and Synchronization
Figure 16-1: Network Related Warning Messages
If a network problem persists, the affected Modules become ofine as described above. To rectify the
situation, check all network connections. If using a wireless access point, make sure the computer is within
16.3 Synchronization
This section describes the various synchronization processes between the Lake Controller software and
Lake devices.
16.3.1 Resync Process
The resync process ensures that the data in the Lake Controller software and on the Lake devices (aka
Processors) is synchronized, or that the operator is informed of differences between the two copies of data.
The resync process compares the data in the Controller software with that stored on the devices. If differ-
ences are found, the Controller software informs the user that Modules are out of sync.
A resync occurs when:
A system conguration le is recalled
An ofine Module becomes online
A network or communication error occurs
The Controller provides a general PLEASE WAIT message if any Module is syncing, along with a
RE-SYNCING indication on the Module icon as shown in Figure 16-2.