Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4
Designer Mode Menu Reference
Global Designer Mode settings are stored in the
system conguration le.
19.1.1. 2 Module
Individual EQ overlays and crossover tabs can be hidden or set to View Only. Additional settings normally
invisible in User Mode can also be adjusted and hidden at the Module level.
At the Module level, changes are specic to individual Modules and Groups. Discrete password protection
can be applied to Modules, providing an additional level of security.
19.1.1. 3 Base Conguration
Base conguration is the lowest level of Module security, enabling the system designer to dene an under-
lying base EQ curve and crossover settings along with factory levels and level limits. A system designer can
restrict what can be seen or adjusted and provide optional password protection to the underlying settings.
The Lake Controller is not shipped with base
conguration les. These can be created if required
using default Module les.
19.1. 2 Designer Mode
The functions available in Designer Mode can be used with or without password protection. By default, the
Designer Mode password is empty, allowing unprotected access to Designer Mode in a new installation of
the Lake Controller software.
To access Designer Mode:
1. From Home, tap USER PREFERENCES.
Additional buttons on the button bar become active, providing functions specic to Designer Mode.
Figure 19-1: Accessing Designer Mode