Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4
Lake-enabled Amplier Reference
255 Voice Coil Temperature
The VOICE COIL TEMPERATURE row indicates the estimated loudspeaker voice coil temperature from the
LoadSmart test results. This is calculated from the LoadSmart verication results and Fingerprint data.
The ALL column summarizes temperatures in the
order Min/Average/Max. e.g. 20/23/25 = voice coil
temperatures in range 20° C to 25° C, with an
average value of 23° C.
20.10 Control Tab
The Module control page is selected by tapping the CONTROL tab in Module view.
The Control tab displays data contained in the Module output DSP channel, and not the power channels. It
is important to remember that AMPLIFIER GAIN and ISVPL data are stored within each Module alongside
other Lake Module data. Appropriate AMPLIFIER GAIN and ISVPL data are transferred to the respective
power output channel/s when they are routed to the Module outputs.
Custom RPM conguration can result in power
output channels having unique actual ISVPL values
even though they are routed from the same DSP
20.10.1 Power Control
POWER ON and STANDBY buttons are provided on the Control tab. These buttons can control the Frame
(or multiple Frames in a Super Module conguration) containing any power output channels assigned to the
Module, allowing the Frame/s to be set in Standby mode. A system-wide power control facility is available
from the Control tab in Global View. Please refer to section 20.9 for further details.