Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4
Lake-enabled Amplier Reference
20.10.6 Amplier Gain and ISVPL Level Limits
Designer Mode allows a system designer to set level limits for Amplier Gain and ISVPL, and hide these
parameters. This function is accessed from a button visible only in Designer Mode when both the Module
and base conguration le are unlocked.
The LEVEL LIMITS button, located in the bottom right hand corner opens a new window where minimum
and maximum levels can be set.
Level limits are stored as factory levels when a base conguration le is stored. Users loading a Module le
employing this base conguration can only adjust parameters within the allowed range. If the maximum and
minimum values are identical, the value is locked and hidden from view. For more information on Designer
Mode, please refer to chapter 19.
20.11 Global Events Tab
The GLOBAL EVENTS tab provides an EVENT LOG listing warnings, faults, and user actions that have
occurred in all devices on the network since the Lake Controller software was started. In addition, it
contains events that can be read from each device’s internal log covering four hours prior to starting the
Lake Controller. Various lter options are available for displaying a user-denable subset of the log.
The data set for the most recent event is repeated in
the separate horizontal pane at the bottom of the