Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4
LM Series Reference and Operation
275 Filtering Options
The default event log records and displays all events for all Modules on all Frames on the system. It is pos-
sible to reduce the number of log entries displayed by applying lter options available on the right hand side
of the table. Regardless of ltering options currently selected, all events are recorded, and may be displayed
later as required.
Recorded events are divided into three categories: FAULTS, WARNINGS and USER ACTIONS. Events in any
or all of these categories may be displayed in the log by tapping the three buttons in the SEVERITY box. The
ALL button restores the default state of all three categories being selected.
Using buttons in the SOURCE box, events may also be ltered on the basis of which part of the system
generated them. Some of these sources apply only to Lake-enabled ampliers and will only be relevant for
mixed system congurations. Any or all of the event sources may be selected; the sources relevant to LM
Series devices include:
Frame > Device
Other > Audio Distribution
Other > Network
The ALL button restores the default state of all six categories being selected.
It is possible to display only events which have occurred within a user-dened time interval, using the
buttons in the TIME box. The options are:
SINCE HH:MM – Tapping the HH and MM buttons opens a numeric keypad to allow a ‘Start time’ for
displayed events to be entered. Tapping the Since button activates the option.
LAST POWER CYCLE – Tapping this button causes the Event Log to only display events which have
occurred since the last time the device was powered up.
21.3.8 Event Log Files
When a session ends, the session’s EVENT LOG is written to a le.