Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4
MY8-LAKE Reference and Operation
22. MY8-LAKE Reference and Operation
This chapter provides information specic to using the Lake Controller with MY8-LAKE devices. Please refer
to the MY8-LAKE Operation Manual for further details on MY8-LAKE hardware.
22.1 Signal Flow
The diagrams below depict the audio signal ow congurations available for the MY8-LAKE card. Please
refer to the section 8.2.14 for details on how to change the audio processing conguration via the
Lake Controller software.
22.1.1 Mesa Conguration Signal Flow Diagram
The MY8-LAKE defaults to an 8x8 system equalizer conguration known as Mesa mode. This conguration
provides eight discrete channels of audio processing as shown below.
Figure 22-1: MY8-LAKE Mesa Conguration Signal Flow Diagram