Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4
Firmware Update
Figure 26-6: Firmware Update Conrmation
9. Cycle the power of each Lake device appropriately.
Mains power must be cycled to complete the
rmware update. Pressing the front panel standby
button will not complete the upgrade.
10. Tap OK, then tap EXIT to quit the rmware update utility.
For Lake-enabled ampliers, if the rmware includes a change for amplier, front panel or Dante compo-
nents, additional upgrade activity and progress will be indicated on the front panel. After an upgrade of the
amplier rmware, the unit will reboot automatically.
Firmware upgrades for PLM+ and D Series devices
will take longer to update when the release includes
new Dante rmware. Do not interupt a rmware
upgrade prodecure.
26.3 Old Firmware Notication in Lake Controller
If a device with old rmware is placed in the Lake Controller work area, an indication similar to that shown in
Figure 26-7 will be displayed on the associated Module icons.
Figure 26-7: Old Firmware Notication in the Lake Controller
The rmware cannot be updated from within the Lake Controller; to update rmware, quit the
Lake Controller and access Lake Firmware Update Utility as described in section 26.2.