Lake Controller Operation Manual

Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4
Lake Controller Tutorial
4.6 Groups
The Lake Controller allows Grouping of multiple Modules. This unique concept allows the EQ and levels
of multiple Modules to be changed with a single adjustment. Every Module may be a member of up to 28
All EQ functions available for a Module are also available for a Group, with a maximum of four EQ overlays
per Group.
Most Levels functions are also available for Groups, except the following:
LimiterMax RMS Corner
LimiterMax RMS Attack
LimiterMax RMS Release
Input Headroom
Control of output levels where the Group contains Modules of varying crossover types (e.g. 3-Way and
4-Way Modules assigned to the same Group). Assigning Modules to a Group
To assign both Modules of a Frame to a Group:
1. Tap the HOME button to locate to the MAIN page.
2. Tap the GROUPS button to display the Groups scroll bar.
3. Tap GROUP 1, and then tap the MAIN page to add the Group to your conguration.
Figure 4-50: Adding a Group to the Main page