User guide

PLM Series Operation Manual rev 1.2.3
Model Displayed Text Event Log Text Category Description
ALL OVER SPKR CNT Over Speaker Count Warning A lower load impedance has been
measured than was predicted by the
Load Library for the assigned speaker
PAL ACTIVE n/a Fault Total amplier power being delivered has
exceeded the safe maximum value and
the PAL has become active.
20000Q PAL ACTIVE n/a Warning Output power is limited due to the PSU
maximum current or power level has
been reached and PAL has become
ALL PSU FAULT Frame Fault: PSU Undervoltage Fault The Power supply did not start up
properly. It could be due to undervoltage
on the mains or due to an internal non
user-serviceable fault. If the mains are
checked to be OK and the fault persists
the unit should be returned to your
Frame Fault: PSU Power
Fault Low input voltage, high power demand.
20000Q PTL ACTIVE N/A Warning The output power is limited due high
temperature in the Power supply and the
PSU Temperature Limiter is active
ALL SENSE FAULT Frame warning: Sense Fault Warning The output Voltage and Current sensors
are lost. The PLM is OK for continued
operation but is at risk of entering
protective mutes states. Return device
to dealer.
ALL SERVICE CH. Channel Fault: Unit Needs
Fault One or more breakers in the power stage
have blown. This is not a user-servicable
fault; return device to dealer.
ALL SHORT CIRCUIT Channel Fault: Short Circuit
Fault The PLM is measuring both very high
load current and very low output voltage.
Short circuit protection is active.
ALL SPKSAFE INACT SpeakerSafe Not Started Warning Warns that after LoadSmart verication,
SpeakerSafe monitoring was not started.
ALL TEMP FLT:CH Temp Fault: Amp Channel Fault Temperature in the power output stage
exceeds safety limit.
ALL TEMP FLT:DSP Temp Fault: DSP Area Fault The temperature of the PLMs process-
ing circuitry has exceeded its safety
limit. Audio is not muted, but continued
operation at this temperature is not
ALL TEMP FLT:MAG Temp Fault: Speaker Magnet Fault The temperature of the speaker magnet
estimated by SpeakerSafe, has exceeded
the manufacturers’ recommended