
Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4
Modules Menu Reference
8.4. 3.1 Replace Frame Rules and Compatibility
All Modules of a Frame must be present on the Module scroll bar (i.e. no part of the Frame can be in
use in the current system conguration)
Network IP settings and Dual Redundancy conguration are not transferred during a Frame Replace
operation; conrgure this manually on the destination Frame.
PLM 10000Q and PLM 20000Q Frames may be replaced with PLM+ or D Series, and will populate
Modules A&B only. Modules C&D will remain unaffected.
PLM+ or D Series may be replaced with any product from either of these product lines, but may not be
replaced by a legacy PLM product.
PLM 14000 can only be replaced with an online PLM 14000.
For LM Series and MY8-LAKE devices, the source and destination Frames must be of the same
conguration type (i.e. Contour, Mesa, or Contour/Mesa), and can only be replaced with a Frame of the
same product type.
8.4.4 Complete Replace
This button completes the REPLACE FRAME function. This function is active only when the REPLACE
button is selected and a destination Module has been selected from the Module scroll bar.
Data from the source Frame is transferred to the destination Frame and the Frame from the scroll bar will
now take the place of the source Frame in the system conguration.
If the source Frame is online, all Modules in the work area are returned to the scroll bar.
8.4.5 Batch Replace
This button is active (blue) regardless of whether a Module is selected in the work area. When tapped a
screen similar to Figure 8-29 is displayed.
The left side of the screen displays ofine or Virtual Frames present in the main work area. The right side of
the screen displays available online Frames on the scrollbar.
To complete the BATCH REPLACE, all online
destination Frames must be on the Module scroll
bar, and not currently in use in the work area.
Please refer to section for detailed
information on Frame Replace rules and compat-
Frames are sorted by Frame type (product/conguration), then by Frame name. If the product type and
Frame name match between an online and ofine Frame, a number will automatically be assigned to the
destination Frame.