
Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4
Network Menu Reference
15.2 Multiple Controllers
15.2.1 Overview and Menu Options
The Lake Controller system allows multiple Controllers to be connected to the same network. When in this
mode, certain functionality is restricted.
The rst Controller to connect to a network is called the primary Controller. Any subsequent Controllers are
referred to as secondary Controllers.
The following options are available on the MULTIPLE CONTROLLERS submenu:
15. 2.1.1 Multi Cont Enable
This button is available only on the primary Controller and is disabled (gray) on any secondary Controllers.
When this button is active (orange), multiple Controllers are allowed on the same network. When the button
is inactive (blue), only one Controller is allowed on the network. Conrmation Required
This button is available only on the primary Controller and is disabled (gray) on any secondary Controllers.
When this button is active (orange), a conrmation dialog box is displayed on the primary Controller when a
secondary Controller attempts to connect. If this button is inactive (blue), then additional Controllers are able
to connect to the network without primary Controller approval.
15. 2.1. 3 Analyzer Enable
This button provides the option to disable analyzer data on a per-controller basis (useful when using multiple
Controllers). If this button is active (orange), analyzer data will be displayed on this Controller. If this button is
inactive (blue), analyzer data will not be displayed. This button is disabled (gray) if the analyzer is not avail-
15.2.2 Primary and Secondary Controllers
The primary Lake Controller communicates with the network of Lake devices, and also with secondary
Controllers. The secondary Controllers communicate only via the primary Controller.
The date, time and time-zone must be synchronized
on all computers for multiple controller functionality
to work correctly, and ensure rewalls are correctly
congured to allow Lake Controller data.