
Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4
IP Address Reference
Dante specic documentation included in the Lake Controller software installation
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If desired, you can also use Class A (except for PLM+), Class B (recommended) or Class C private IP ad-
dress ranges. These addresses require additional conguration, and thus more knowledge of IP addresses
and networking. Table 28-1 shows a selection of private IP address ranges recommended for use with the
Lake device and Lake Controller network. It is recommended that all hardware is congured with a private IP
address within these ranges.
Class Range
A 10.x.x.x
B 169.254.x.x (Default - Automatic Private IP Address) - RECOMMENDED
C 172.16.x.x through 172.31.x.x*
D 192.168.0.x through 192.168.255.x
Table 28-1: Recommended Private IP Addresses
*172.31.x.x is used on the secondary computer’s network
interface for Dante Dual Redundancy conguration. Please
refer to chapter 3 for further details.
Lake devices and Lake Controllers can be congured to communicate over a network using any IP address
and subnet mask combination required for your particular application. More sophisticated networks that
include trafc from other professional and consumer equipment must be congured correctly to achieve
desired operation.
IP Address & Dual Redundancy settings can only be
changed either manually by the user via software, or via a
Factory Reset. These parameters are unaffected by System
Recall, Preset Recall, Frame Replace, Soft Reset etc.