
Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4
EQ/Levels Menu Reference
dB and Limiter Corner equals –4 dB, limiting begins gradually when the Max RMS level reaches –10 dB and
increases until maximum limiting occurs at –6 dB.
Tap MAXRMS CORNER to display the value (dB) for each channel of the selected Module. To adjust, drag
the fader (D) or tap the value (A) for keyboard entry. MaxRMS Attack and MaxRMS Release
MaxRMS Attack MaxRMS Release apply only to Modules; these functions are inactive if a Group is
The attack and release times (also referred to as ‘time constants) determine the time in milliseconds
that the MaxRMS Limiter takes to fully engage and disengage once the MaxRMS Corner level has been
Tap MAXRMS ATTACK or MAXRMS RELEASE to display the value (ms) for each channel of the selected
Module. To adjust the value, drag the fader (D) or tap the value (A) for keyboard entry. Auto Time Constant
The MaxRMS attack and release values may be set manually by the user, or may be calculated automati-
cally. Automatic calculation is determined by the crossover frequency of the channel’s high-pass lter, if
applicable. Otherwise, it is xed at 160 ms.
The TC AUTO button is displayed underneath the slider when viewing either the attack or release settings.
When TC AUTO is enabled (Orange), the slider is disabled and the attack or release values are calculated
Figure 6-4: Tc Auto Attack and Release Controls MaxPeak Level
Tap MAXPEAK LEVEL to display the maximum peak signal level (dB) allowed at the output.