
Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4
EQ/Levels Menu Reference
6.4.1 Using the High-pass Filter (HPF Enable)
The high-pass lter lters all frequencies below the specied frequency. Input HPF and Low Output HPF
are available. Input HPF affects all output channels; Low Output HPF affects only the lowest output of the
Module. These two different modes of operation are provided in order to satisfy the requirements of various
loudspeaker manufacturers’ required signal-processing congurations.
To set the Low Output HPF:
1. Tap HPF ENABLE, then tap HPF Select.
2. Select a lter from the scroll bar (24 dB or less).
3. Tap HPF Set, then YES to the warning message.
To change the HPF to affect all outputs (Input HPF):
1. Tap CROSSOVER FUNCTIONS, then HPF Functions.
While in this mode, move the HPF center frequency, and note how it affects all outputs of the Module
The center frequency of the HPF can be set to a
minimum of 10 Hz using the Filter Edit function.
6.4.2 Using EQ Filters on the Xover Screen
The XOVER screen provides low-shelf (B), parametric (C), and high-shelf (D) lters to shape the audio
from each output as required. When used on the XOVER screen, the parametric EQ lters affect only the
selected output.
Only EQ lter points and lter boxes of the selected
output are displayed. To select an output, tap the
associated green lter box and toggle between
outputs using the crossover tool.
Figure 6-14 on page 91 shows a parametric lter used to affect audio on output 1, the rst channel of
Module A. Letter-labeled references in this example are used in the subsequent instructions.