
7. Front Panel Interface
PLM+ SERIES Operation Manual rev 1.0.0
37 Warning or Fault Indications
If certain parameters within the PLM+ approach or exceed preset limits, a warning condition or fault condition may
arise. One or more LEDs provide a visual indication of the problem, along with an on-screen description of the
condition displayed adjacent to the LED/s.
A green LED conrms inputs or outputs are unmuted and operating normally
A yellow LED signies a warning of potential problems in the PLM+ amplier stages
A red LED indicates a fault, clip or mute
An Event Log le lists all warnings with date and time stamps; please refer to the Lake Controller Operation Manual
for further information the Event Log.
Please refer to Table 7.5 and Table 7.6 below, and to Table 9.1 for a detailed description of faults and warnings.
7.9. Warning and Fault Indications
Table 7.5 lists the warning conditions signied by a yellow LED; Table 7.6 lists the fault conditions signied by a
red LED.
Table 7.5: Warning Conditions (Yellow LED)
Warning Type LED No.
On Screen
Warning Text
Event Log Text
Amp Temp Limit Frame 1 ATL ACTIVE N/A
AES Clock Slipping Module 1 CLOCK SLIPPING AES Clock Slipping
Amp Temp Warning Channel 5-8 TEMP WARN:CH Temp Warning: Amp Channel
BEL Active Frame 1 BEL ACTIVE N/A
Controller Ofine Frame 1 CTRL OFFLINE N/A
Device Name Conict Frame 1 NAME CONFLICT Dante Device Name Conict
Frame Ofine - 1 OFFLINE Frame Ofine
Load Not Veried Module Channel
LOAD NOT VER LoadSmart: Load Not Veried
Load Uncertain Channel 5-8 UNCERTAIN LOAD Uncertain About Load Type
PSU Mains Glitch Frame 1 MAINS GLITCH Glitch on Mains Voltage Detected
PSU Power Limit Frame 1 PAL ACTIVE N/A
PSU Temp Limit Frame 1 PTL ACTIVE N/A
PSU Temp Warning Frame 1 TEMP WARN:PSU Temp Warning: Power Supply Unit
Sense Fault Frame 1 SENSE FAULT Frame Warning: Sense Fault
Speaker / Cable Shorted Channel 5-8 SPKR SHORTED Speaker / Cable Shorted
Speaker Over Count Channel 5-8 OVER SPKR CNT Over Speaker Count
Speaker Under Count Channel 5-8 UNDER SPKR CNT Under Speaker Count
Speaker Damaged Channel 5-8 SPKR DAMAGED Speaker Component Damaged
SpeakerSafe Not Started Channel 5-8 SPKSAFE INACT SpeakerSafe Not Started
SpeakerSafe Precision Low Channel 5-8 LM PREC. LOW Speaker Precision Low
Under Voltage Limit Frame 1 UVL ACTIVE N/A