Operation Manual

3. Installation
PLM+ SERIES Operation Manual rev 3.0.4
If the mains plug (AC plug) tted to the mains cable (AC cord) is not appropriate for your country, it can be removed
and a locally-sourced one tted instead, observing the color coding in the table below:
Table 3.1: AC Plug Conguration
If you are not 100% condent of your competence to replace the mains plug (AC plug), the task should be carried
out by qualied personnel.
Once a suitable AC power supply is connected, the device can be turned on using the front panel power button.
When the device is turned on, the power button LED changes from red (Standby) to green (Active).
NOTE: In-rush current is controlled and limited during the soft-start sequence. This enables multiple
PLM+ units on the same AC mains circuit to be turned on simultaneously
3.5. Grounding
Analog inputs feature Iso-Float™ ground isolation, a technology which combines the benets of transformer
coupled isolation with the advantages of clean, direct-coupled inputs.
The audio converters are galvanically isolated, and not connected to mains ground. High-speed transformers and
opto-isolators create a barrier between the device and the outside electrical environment.
NOTE: The Iso-Float feature is activated by default, but may be disabled via the Lake Controller
software, or via the front panel menu.
Use correctly-shielded balanced audio input connections to minimise hum and interference. Please refer to section
8.2.4 for further information.
NEVER disconnect the earth (ground) pin on the mains cable (AC power cord).
powerCON pin 230 V Cable 115 V Cable
L Brown Black
N Blue White
Green/Yellow Green
3. Installation
PLM+ SERIES Operation Manual rev 3.0.4