Operation Manual

7. Front Panel Interface
PLM+ SERIES Operation Manual rev 3.0.4
7.8.5. LED Fault, Warning and Clip Indication
A tricolor LED is embedded inside each of the eight dynamic function buttons. The LEDs convey a variety of status
indications including faults and warnings, signal clip indications, Module input mute, Module output mute and
Power Output mute. Table 7.4 summarizes the meaning of the LED indications.
Table 7.4: LED Fault and Warning Indications
NOTE: An unlit output LED indicates either the channel is not available for the model in use, or that the
power output channel is not routed to a Module output channel. Clip Indication
The front panel LEDs also indicate input and output clip or pre-clip conditions that can occur within the PLM+.
Input Clip
Input clipping is monitored at two stages in the signal path:
Analog Input Stage: If the input signal exceeds either +26 dBu, a clip indication is displayed.
A warning is displayed at +24 dBu (i.e. 2 dB from Clip)
Module Input Stage: If the signal level at this point exceeds +21 dBu, a clip indication is displayed.
Input clipping is indicated by the affected Module LED ashing red and INPUT CLIP displayed on the LCD. If a
subsequent input clip within 400 ms is detected, the LED remains lit for a longer period.
Output Clip
All output channels are monitored by a suite of protection circuits that include a Current Peak Limiter (CPL) and an
Inter-Sample Voltage Peak Limiter (ISVPL).
The ISVPL will indicate clip only when exceeding the amplier’s maximum output voltage. If the ISVPL is set so as
to limit the output below maximum voltage, then clip indication will not occur when reaching the ISVPL threshold.
Please refer to section 5.3 for further information.
If CPL protection is active, or a voltage clip occurs, then the associated Power Output Channel LED will ash red
and a text warning will be displayed on the screen.
LED Color Indication
Green Status Good / Unmuted
Yellow Warning
Red Fault / Muted
Flashing Red Clip
7. Front Panel Interface
PLM+ SERIES Operation Manual rev 3.0.4 Warning or Fault Indications
If certain parameters within the PLM+ approach or exceed preset limits, a warning condition or fault condition may
arise. One or more LEDs provide a visual indication of the problem, along with an on-screen description of the
condition displayed adjacent to the LED/s.
A red LED indicates a fault, clip or mute
for further information the Event Log.
Please refer to Table 9.1 for a detailed description of faults and warnings.
7.9. Warning and Fault Indications
red LED.
Table 7.5: Warning Conditions (Yellow LED)
On Screen Warning Text Type LED No. Warning Event Log Text
ATL ACTIVE Frame 1 Amp Temp Limit N/A
CLOCK SLIPPING Module 1 AES Clock Slipping AES Clock Slipping
TEMP WARN:CH Channel 5-8 Amp Temp Warning Temp Warning: Amp Channel
BEL ACTIVE Frame 1 BEL Active N/A
LOAD NOT VER Module Channel
UNCERTAIN LOAD Channel 5-8 Load Uncertain Uncertain About Load Type
MAINS GLITCH Frame 1 PSU Mains Glitch Glitch on Mains Voltage Detected
PAL ACTIVE Frame 1 PSU Power Limit N/A
PTL ACTIVE Frame 1 PSU Temp Limit N/A
TEMP WARN:PSU Frame 1 PSU Temp Warning Temp Warning: Power Supply Unit
SENSE FAULT Frame 1 Sense Fault Frame Warning: Sense Fault
SPKR SHORTED Channel 5-8 Speaker / Cable Shorted Speaker / Cable Shorted
OVER SPKR CNT Channel 5-8 Speaker Over Count Over Speaker Count
UNDER SPKR CNT Channel 5-8 Speaker Under Count Under Speaker Count
SPKR DAMAGED Channel 5-8 Speaker Damaged Speaker Component Damaged
SPKSAFE INACT Channel 5-8 SpeakerSafe Not Started SpeakerSafe Not Started
LM PREC. LOW Channel 5-8 SpeakerSafe Precision Low Speaker Precision Low
UVL ACTIVE Frame 1 Under Voltage Limit N/A
VHF WARNING Channel 5-8 Gain reduction activated VHF Warning
7. Front Panel Interface
PLM+ SERIES Operation Manual rev 3.0.4