User's Manual

FlashWizard II Mode (Continued):
The “Flash” button on the camera can be pressed to test fire the FlashWizard II Strobe unit.
This will confirm to you that the camera is set to the correct system number.
To fully verify all the information learned by the camera, use a FlashWizard II unit to scan for
Before you scan, make sure you set the FlashWizard II unit used to teach the camera to another
unit number or turn it off!
The camera should show up in the scan under the ID you had just selected.
If the camera does not show up in a scan, make sure that no other FlashWizard II is on the same
unit number.
If it still does not show up, repeat the FlashWizard II Mode Configuration steps in the previous
Using the Camera as the FlashWizard II System trigger:
Your D1 camera can be used to fire a specific group of cameras, or can be set to fire nothing.
If you wish to fire a group of cameras from your D1 camera radio, you will need to configure
FlashWizard II unit #1 for a special setting.
1) Turn on unit number # 1 (Master unit)
2) Press “Trig Setup”
3) Press 3 for “RF”
4) When the display on the FlashWizard says “RF 1: OFF”, press either A, B, C, or D.
The A-D group you just selected will be the group that will fire when the top camera button is
5) Press “ENTER” until you are back to the main FlashWizard II screen.
6) If you have not already configured the camera groups, you will need to do so now.
Make sure the D1 camera is turned on so that it can be included in the group settings.
7) After the group selections are made, test the system trigger by pressing the top trigger button
on the camera.
Important Camera Operational Notes:
Camera bottom trigger button- The trigger button on the bottom of the camera can ONLY be
used to fire this camera with the flash. It can’t be used to fire a group of cameras.
Camera top trigger button- Unless the camera is configured as the System trigger, the top trigger
button on the camera WILL NOT fire the camera. This is to make sure a remote drone user or
fan in the stands does not fire the camera or system.
When the Prerelease lock is active, the camera will not let you preview more than the last image.
To use the back thumb control buttons to review all the photos, you will need to power the
camera off and back on in Normal (PocketWizard) mode.
When you are done with reviewing the photos, you will need to remember to set the camera back
into the FlashWizard II mode!