User's Manual

For delays longer than 9.9999 seconds (maximum available in delay modes) use
Intervalometer or Multipop mode. Set the interval to the desired delay. Set the count
to 1. Attach your camera to PORT 1 and trigger the MultiMAX . The camera will trigger
after the set interval.
Contact time is affected by Intervalometer mode. If you set an interval that is LESS
than the contact time, the contact time becomes the interval minus 0.3 seconds. If
you set an interval that is GREATER than the contact time, the contact time is simply
performed as entered.
When using Intervalometer and Relay Mode together, a MultiMAX (set for RECEIVE
mode) will switch to Transmit mode and send a Radio trigger after the last interval.
See the Relay Mode section, Page 39, for more information.
When using Intervalometer or Multipop modes exclusively, battery life can be 200 - 300
hours. See the Reset to Default Factory Settings section, Page 52, for more information.
C: Multipop – /MENU A C
Enters the Multipop interval setting screen. This mode is
for triggering a flash multiple times from one trigger. It
can be used during one long exposure to increase depth of
field or for special effect sequencing. The interval setting is
normally used to set a safe flash recycling time, while the
count is set to the number of flashes or “pops” desired.
Multipop is identical in function to Intervalometer with one
exception: the multipop interval range has finer resolution;
from 0.01 to 999.99 seconds in 0.01 (1/100) second
increments. This allows for finer control when setting flash
recycle time. This mode can be used for cameras or flash units.
1. From the main screen press /MENU A C to
enter the numeric entry screen
2. Enter the interval or time gap between triggers
3. Press /MENU to proceed to the next screen
4. Enter the count or number of triggers
5. Press /MENU to return to the main screen. The
interval will be displayed, and the count will show
the number of triggers to be executed
6. Press the TEST key or trigger the MultiMAX via Radio to begin Multipop function
Multi-pop Mode
Set Interval Screen
5.00 second Multi-pop Interval
10 trigger Count
Multi-pop Mode
Set Interval Screen
5.00 second Multi-pop Interval
10 trigger Count