User Manual

(either no flash was detected or the radio link was incomplete) the zone letter and the
flash icon will invert
A MultiMAX II (set for TRANSMIT mode) will look for RECEIVE units and confirm the
radio link after each of these operations:
- Every trigger
- Power on or switch from RECEIVE to TRANSMIT
- Channel change
- Zone change (including L)
- Exiting the menu system
Confirmation can only be performed using MultiMAX II units on channels 17 and higher.
PocketWizard Plus, Classic, and the original MAX do not perform confirmation.
True Confirmation is designed to work with one MultiMAX II (set for RECEIVE mode)
per zone. Multiple RECEIVE units set to the same channel and zone will not individually
confirm and may cause incorrect confirmation errors. If multiple MultiMAX II units (set
for RECEIVE mode) on the same channel and zone are a mix of flash and non-flash
confirmation units then accurate flash confirmation will not be reported.
The following table shows how confirmation works in different modes:
MultiMAX II Mode Radio and Flash Confirmation
A RECEIVE unit using Selective Quad-Triggering Provides normal radio and / or
flash confirmation
A RECEIVE unit set to a Delay mode Will not provide confirmation
A RECEIVE unit set to FAST MODE Confirms on zone A only
A RECEIVE unit set to Intervalometer or Multipop Provides radio confirmation
before the first interval only
Note: Older MAX and MultiMAX II units set to FAST MODE will not confirm on any
Many functions of the MultiMAX II are accessed through easy-to-navigate menus. Press
*/MENU to enter the menu system. Menu items are selected by using the A B C D L
keys. You can also use the ^v keys to highlight the menu item you want, then press
*/MENU to select.
While within the menus the */MENU key performs two functions: