User Manual

Delays, or Intervalometer and Multipop with a count of 1, can be used as a camera
timer for self portraits or as a trigger delay to reduce camera shake. Review Delay
Intervalometer and Multipop sections for more information.
TTL / Auto flash Helper
When using an on-camera TTL flash or Automatic exposure flash with a remote flash
there may be situations where you do not want the remote flash to affect the TTL or
Auto flash sensor. The on-camera flash can underexpose by quenching early (turning
off too soon) because it measured the light from the remote flash. The reverse of this
can also be undesirable. If the remote flash is in Automatic mode, it may quench too
early because it sensed the light from the on camera flash.
Using Delay mode can help solve this problem. Follow the steps below if using a TTL or
Automatic flash attached directly to the camera:
1. Attach the cameras PC terminal to PORT 1 on a MultiMAX II (set for TRANSMIT
2. Attach manual or Automatic flash to MultiMAX II (set for RECEIVE mode)
3. On the MultiMAX II (set for TRANSMIT mode) press */MENU A A B to enter the set
delay screen
4. Enter in a delay of 0.0020 (1/500)
5. Trigger the camera normally
The on-camera flash will trigger immediately and have enough time to complete its full
exposure. After the set delay time the remote flash will trigger. This operation is
dependent on camera sync speed and flash duration. The delay time of 0.0020 (1/500)
will work with a focal plane shutter (35mm camera) at 1/125 shutter speed and a flash
duration not longer than 1/400.
Use the formula below to help calculate your maximum safe shutter speed based on
your flash durations.
Refer to the Time Conversion Charts section, Page 54, to convert fractions into
decimals for the formula.
1. Add your maximum (longest) flash durations together (decimals, not fractions)
2. Add another 0.002 (focal plane) or 0.001 (leaf shutter) to compensate for shutter
travel time
3. On the Shutter Speed Conversion chart find the next highest decimal number in the
chart. The corresponding shutter speed is the fastest speed you can safely use for this
4. Set the delay time on the MultiMAX II (set for TRANSMIT mode) to the same number
as your on-camera flash units longest flash duration