User Manual

To change power on the CONTROL TL: POWER screen press the ZONE key for the
zone you wish to adjust power for (the arrow to the right of the zone will come on) and
then you can change the power using the UP/DOWN arrow keys. Power can be
adjusted from -6.0 to +3.0 stops.
To select a zone, press the associated zone key, A/B/C. Pressing it once selects the
zone and the arrow key will appear to the right of the selected zone (and power can be
adjusted while the arrow key is present). To turn off a zone, press the associated A/B/C
key twice.
Zones A and B are on
Zone C is off
Selecting All Zones
Pressing the D key, selects (or deselects) all zones at once and allows you to adjust
zone power for all three zones together. Note: All three zones do not have to be at the
same power to be adjusted together.