Owner's Manual

Table Of Contents
How to Perform a Study
NXT Go Owner’s Manual, LBL-00145, MAN2030 30
How to Perform a Study
To perform a typical study, follow the instructions provided.
Starting a Study
Running the Study
i) FreeFlow Study
ii) Urology Urodynamic Study
iii) Cystometry Study
iv) Tests
Finishing the Studies
Printing the Study Result (Optional)
3.1 Starting a Study
Ensure that the computer and printer are turned on.
Start the Synergy application, and login using your credentials. A successful login
will load the Synergy Main window. For information on how to login to the Synergy
application, refer to the Login section on page 42.
Ensure that all devices required for the study are ready (i.e. fully charged).
Refer to the Hardware section on page 96 for instructions on charging the NXT
System modules.
Verify that all devices required for the study are connected to the NXT System
either via Bluetooth technology or USB cable. The Bluetooth Dongle NXT must be
connected to complete all studies available in Synergy.
a) In the title bar of the Synergy software, click the Settings icon, and then click
the Device Manager option; the Device Manager window will pop-up as shown
in the figure below.
Figure 17: Device Manager Window
b) In the Device Manager window identify the Bluetooth Dongle NXT, Urocap NXT,
Roam NXT, Pump NXT, and UPP Puller NXT and verify each device is properly
connected as indicated by a green checkmark.
Status DRAFT Effective